Tonight was a what do I have ingredients for kind of dinner. Wanted to make tacos, but we didn't have any shells - and I'm trying to not go grocery shopping the rest of the month! (except for milk). Looked at my Pinterest list of recipes and I had 2 for Pakistani Kima - which last time I made it was years ago and who knows which one I made or if I made up my own? I didn't have all the stuff they listed and googled more recipes and found they all have different things, so decided to wing it! If you don't know what Pakistani Kima is - it's basically hamburger curry. If you don't like curry... maybe you shouldn't make this... The cost for this comes out to less than $8 to serve 4-5 people (depending on the current price of ground beef). Steps are separate for a reason - so add things slowly as directed - or things get too mushy (they're already mushy because they're canned, but you can use fresh or frozen, just prepare them prior to adding into...
Last month, unbeknownst to any of you, I wrote a blog post that I never published entitled Understanding Unpopular Views that used television as my examples. I wasn't really happy with the writing, so it sits... It did, however, bring up thoughts on recent television series. I've always been a television junkie. As, I've gotten older, the likable shows seem to have dwindled. Have I become picky in my old age, or has the formula for writing television shows changed drastically? I can rattle off numerous television shows from the 70s, 80s, and 90s that I watched from start to finish. Now, it's only a handful - and most I missed on first airing because it didn't grab me with their promos, so I binge watch them. If they are good, I binge them all - or they head to the unwatched, possibly never to be finished "pile." Thinking back the first show that I had been excited about in quite some time was Heroes. It did not disappoint! That f...